OR Summer 2018: Building Footbridges
Full datetime event:
Monday, July 23, 2018From 5:30 pm to 8:30 pmDescription
The theme of this evening is "Building Footbridges" — our shared principles, importance, and interest in Colorado Outdoors.
Coloradans believe that public land heritage is a privilege and a birthright, and Colorado’s abundant open space and outdoor opportunities contribute to our quality of life and economic vitality. Combined with the North American Model of wildlife management and private land conservation, Coloradans and our visitors enjoy spectacular landscapes in which to work, play and live. We celebrate the contributions of all sectors of our economy to sustaining a healthy balance of our State’s ecosystems. Responsible recreation, agriculture, and natural resource management respects all interests on lands and waters, and works to eliminate conflicts.
For these reasons, Coloradans should feel compelled to care for and conserve landscapes, waterways and wildlife—to sustain them and eliminate conflicts for generations to come by adopting COLORADO'S OUTDOOR PRINCIPLES. (https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/SHIFT/CPW-SHIFT-Principles.pdf)
This panel discussion will discuss these principles, the examples in which public and private landowners are stewarding these principles, and the future of Colorado Outdoors.
Dan Zimmerer — Director of Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Erik Glenn — Executive Director of Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust
Terry Fankhauser— Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
Steve Carpenter — General Manager / Denver Mountain Khakis Flagship Store
Luis Benitez, Director of Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office