Virtual Trivia Night: Lakes
Full datetime event:
Seattle — Sunday, April 12, 202016:00Denver — Sunday, April 12, 202017:00Chicago — Sunday, April 12, 202018:00New York — Sunday, April 12, 202019:00Location
You will be able to see the zoom link when you register!
We're back for another Sunday evening of trivia. Tonight's theme is LAKES.
Join us for another hour of trivia and outdoorsy people. The goal of the night is to relax, learn a few things, and meet a new Mappy member from another chapter!
So bring your favorite brew, your brain, and your can-do attitude. It's trivia night.
P.S.: we'll randomly split y'all up into teams, there is NO Googling, no asking your roommate, no aids other than your brain/memory.
P.P.S. If you missed the last one, you can find the questions (and answers) on our instagram highlight: https://www.instagram.com/mappy_hour/