Reel Rock Screening & Mappy Hour Denver
Full datetime event:
Friday, May 12, 2023From 7:00 pm to 9:00 pmLocation
Mappy Hour members receive a ticket discount to this year's Reel Rock 17. Register online here, and use code "MappyHourGuest" to receive your discount.
Reel Rock 17 brings you the three heart-stopping new climbing films: a wild expedition on Nameless Tower in Pakistan; a new cutting-edge route in a massive limestone cave in France; and a journey to Palestine's West Bank to explore the power of climbing to change lives.
Please Note
You cannot purchase a ticket through the Mappy Hour website. You need to register online here through the Colorado Mountain Club website. Mappy Hour appreciates your donations, but they are not a ticket to the event.
Be sure to stop by the Mappy Hour booth to participate in our raffle drawings.