Forest Bathing with Alex Snider (and Walnut!)

22 people went


Full datetime event: 

Saturday, June 3, 2023From 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm


Beach Drive Walking/Biking Path
This trailhead is closest to Picnic Area #2A North, at the intersection of Broad Branch Rd NW and Beach Drive. Parking is available as are bike racks. The nearest station is Van Ness-UDC on the Red Line.


"To save the forest, we can't just put a fence around it, we have to be the forest." - Joshua Michael Schrei of The Emerald Podcast

Think back to fairy tales. How many of them start with a step into the forest? Chances are you too have wandered into the forest. Perhaps biking, running, hiking. Most likely, you were doing something. What would it be like, instead, to just be in nature and let that be enough?

This is the proposition of forest bathing: to slow down the "doing" enough to experience, in your body, the truth that there is no divide between us and nature. There is only us, humans and nature.

Our bath will involve orientation to the idea of forest bathing, group sharing to connect and inspire each other, time to explore your own relationship with nature, and a comically short "hike." Join us: Alex (and Walnut); other Mappy Hour friends; and the trees, birds, insects, and plants of Rock Creek!

This event is freely offered. And, as a way to show your gratitude for the natural world, if you can afford it please consider a $10-$20 donation to City Wildlife, an awesome non profit working to protect animals in DC as us humans encroach on their habitat. You can donate using the link below or via Venmo @ alex-snider with the note "forest bathing."

Interested in volunteering with Mappy Hour? Or know somebody who would make a great Mappy Hour speaker? Let us know!